Holiday Closing

Meijer Credit Union will be closing on Monday, January 20th, 2025 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Please consider using online banking & other self-service options to check your accounts. We recommend the contact us page for non-urgent questions. You can also check your account with Online banking or our Mobile App. If you don't already have access, contact us today to reset your password. 

We will resume our standard business hours on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025.

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2025 Holiday Schedule

January 1 New Year's Day
January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
February 17 Presidents' Day
May 24 Saturday before Memorial Day
May 26 Memorial Day
June 19 Juneteenth
July 4 Independence Day
July 5 Saturday after Independence Day
August 30 Saturday before Labor Day
September 1 Labor Day
October 13 Columbus Day
November 11 Veterans Day
November 27 Thanksgiving Day
November 28 Day after Thanksgiving Day
December 24 Christmas Eve (closing at Noon)
December 25 Christmas
December 31 New Year's Eve (closing at Noon)

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