Become a Member
Now accepting members looking to grow their money! Membership is available to anyone who lives, works, or worships in the State of Michigan and all Meijer Team Members and their families.
APR as low as
Auto Loans
Interest rate as low as
Home Equity Loan
Interest rate as low as
Mortgages (30 Year Fixed)
CD Rate (6-Month/New Money Only)
APR as low as
Unsecured Loan
APR as low as
VISA Credit Card
Now accepting members looking to grow their money! Membership is available to anyone who lives, works, or worships in the State of Michigan and all Meijer Team Members and their families.
Home sweet savings is what you get with a mortgage from Meijer Credit Union. We offer low closing costs, local decisioning, and a variety of mortgage products that will meet your financial goals!
Start a special savings account to save for Christmas, back to school shopping, a home down payment, or that well-deserved vacation. You can automatically deposit a set amount from your payroll or deposit funds at your own convenience. Open a club account to stay on target.